Start of Work
A client property management company brought us in to evaluate the pool and spa area of one of their apartment complexes for safety standards. Specifically we needed to get them into compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and VGB (Virginia Graeme Baker Pool Spa and Safety Act) requirements.
The pool and spa area was already in good condition so we found an efficient solution to bring them into compliance and make the area safer for the residents. This also required working carefully to minimize noise, dust, and traffic impacts on daily life in the complex. In the end, we replaced the decking with a beautiful stamped pebble, provided a clean and bright new finish, used new waterline tile to accent the colors, and added an ADA compliant hoist so that residents in a wheelchair could also have access to the pool.
In the end we not only made the area safer but also gave it a nice fresh bright look and improved access for the mobility impaired. The property management company was pleased with the efficiency of our results and referred us to three other projects.
Featuring: Diamond Brite finish in Cool Blue, Stamped cantilevered concrete in pebble color